Thank you for visiting the brand new Oklahoma State Radiological Society website!
Our primary goal as physicians is to advocate for access to quality health care by providing visitors with the necessary tools to engage and educate fellow patients, medical professionals, and legislators about the importance of scope of practice.
"Scope of Practice" refers to the extent of procedures a medical professional may safely and competently perform, as determined by their level of education and experience. These guidelines exist to reduce the likelihood of patient harm. However, as of 2023, 27 states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation to extend "Full Practice Authority," allowing non-physician practitioners to perform tasks which had previously been reserved only for physicians.
These policy changes may have been made with honest intentions to alleviate stress on the healthcare system, but the results indicate that they have had an opposite effect--increasing medical costs, decreasing quality health care outcomes, and posing effectively no change to rural health care access. To read more about what the data have shown, browse our graphics, videos, podcasts, scholarly studies, and more.
The Oklahoma State Radiological Society was recognized for its efforts to champion quality health care by the American College of Radiology. As a leader in patient safety advocacy, we hope to be your number one resource regarding the changing face of healthcare in Oklahoma! We have a dedicated news feed to monitor scope of practice issues from around the country. You may also sign up for alerts to get the latest updates about developments in the legislature. We deeply appreciate all who help the cause and support our mission to defend quality health care. You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions!
To our fellow radiologists and medical professionals, we encourage you to sign up for our forum! Here, we will do live legislative tracking, event planning, and share more resources and opportunities! And don't forget to check out our upcoming events!

ACR Chapter Recognition Awards

Award for Overall Excellence
Division B
2006, 2007, 2008, 2012, 2014

Award for Government Relations
Division B
2004, 2005, 2007, 2015, 2022

Award for Membership
Division B
2013, 2016, 2019

Award for Communications
Division B
2006, 2007, 2008

Award for Meetings & Education
Division B