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ACR Announces Co-Branded Advocacy Materials with AMA

sharon d'souza

November 09, 2023

The American College of Radiology® (ACR®) partnered with the American Medical Association (AMA) to co-brand a set of advocacy-related scope of practice (SOP) tools. These SOP “wheels” clearly show the stark difference in education and experience that physicians have compared to other healthcare providers. State radiological society chapters are encouraged to use this tool in upcoming SOP advocacy efforts; they are an excellent way to convey to elected officials that physicians are the only professionals qualified to lead complex healthcare teams.

The College has partnered with Fiscal Note, a legislation and regulation tracking service, to provide continuous, comprehensive updates on radiology and healthcare-related legislation. To stay current on state legislative developments relevant to radiology — including scope of practice battles — view the ACR policy map and access information and ACR resources at our scope of practice microsite.

State radiological chapter interested in using these SOP wheels should contact Dillon Harp, ACR Senior Government Relations Specialist.

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